Brianna Keilar Facts & Wiki
Where does Brianna Keilar live? And how much money does Brianna Keilar earn?Birth Date | 21-9-1980 |
Heritage/origin | Australian |
Ethnicity | White |
Religion - believes in God? | Christian |
Residence | She lives together in a house in Washington, D.C., United States. |
Brianna Keilar Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses
- Currently no cars listed.
Brianna Keilar: Husband, Dating, Family & Friends
Who is Brianna Keilar dating in 2024?
Relationship status | Married (Since 2009) |
Sexuality | Straight |
Current Husband of Brianna Keilar | Dave French |
Ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands | |
Expecting a baby? | She is not pregnant |
Has any kids? | No |
Skin, Hair & Eye Color
This beautiful cute inconsiderate tv-personality & journalist originating from Australia has a slim body & square face type.
Hair color | Regular blond |
Hair type | Straight |
Hair Length | medium long hair (neck length) |
Hairstyle | chic |
Distinct feature | cheekbones |
Makeup Style | beach |
Skin Tone/Complexion | Type II: Fair skin |
Skin Type | Normal |
Eye Color | Blue |
Does Brianna Keilar smoke? | No, never Caught Smoking: These Are The 60 Most Shocking Celebrity Smokers |
Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style
Does Brianna Keilar have official Social Media profiles?
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